Data Acquisition is where the following sections are housed:
- Forms
- Records
In order to add a form to your site, SendGrid will first need to be implemented, please see the Integrations section for this. Once forms have been added to your site they will appear here. The ID and Title of each form will be displayed here, you can also edit and delete forms from this section.
When editing a form you will be taken to a new view - here you can add recipients to the form, rename it and apply a sender name to your address.
Most likely we will have set these forms for you so it will just be a case of adding recipients.
Records is where you can find any recorded form actions that take place on the site should any issues arise with SendGrid - an example of this would be using records to contact someone who has filled in a form, but is not appearing due to an error.
Records can be exported using the Export button in LayerSync.